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MIKE RINDER ASSAULTED MY MOTHER, PERMANENTLY DISABLING HER: In 2010, my “father” grabbed my mom’s arms, crushing and twisting them so hard that she sustained lacerations, bruises, nerve damage, and a shoulder injury.


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#InternationalHRDay. The is an occasion to educate others on issues concerning Human Rights, to raise awareness of any violations of Human Rights and to mobilize resources to address such concerns.

Taking action against Domestic Violence and ensuring perpetrators are held accountable are key such undertaking.

Speaking out against my father, Mike Rinder, and his domestic violence, signifies my solidarity with this day and everything others are doing to forward it: Assisting others in any way to bring about their Human Rights; Encouraging others to do something about violence, haters and domestic abuse; And letting them know it is ok to speak up against those who support men who abuse women.

It is a violation of a person’s Human Rights to be harmed in any way by another—and yes, we need to tell people that.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an important part of our history and our future. Eleanor Roosevelt, who was dubbed “First Lady of the World,” was a principal architect and served as chair of the declaration’s drafting committee. It was 10 December, 1948, when the document was finally signed and officiated. Since it’s signing, the UDHR has remained a touchstone for actions by governments, individuals and nongovernmental groups, ensuring that in the generations to come, every individual knows and has their Human Rights.

Take action this 2021 International Human Rights Day!


Recently there’s been a lot of talk about how bad actors use social media to spread disinformation and thereby amplify hate towards others. I realized that my father, Mike Rinder, is a microcosm of this problem. Because that is exactly what he does to my mom and our family.

Once I noticed this and put the pieces together, I decided to do a video on each person that my father, Mike Rinder uses to attack us. I figured I could at least give them the benefit of the doubt, in case they don’t realize how they are being used.

The type of people he chooses to do his bidding varies wildly, from people who are mentally unstable; fully fledged supporters of sex-trafficking; and women who take advantage of men sexually.

Tony Ortega is the first one I am exposing. He has been used by my father, Mike Rinder to victim shame myself and my mom continually. Some highlights are:

In December 2018 Mike got him to post that I, Taryn, “...pretend that some incidental contact during an ambush is somehow proof that her dad is an abuser and should be fired...” He got it right that my father IS an abuser and should NOT be supported, and by the way, his show was canceled.

In April 2019 Mike had Ortega write that, “Bernardini [my mom] pretends she’s the victim of domestic violence, and her daughter Taryn pretends that her mother is the victim of justice.” You heard that right, he said “PRETENDS” that my mother is a victim—ignoring x-rays, MRIs, doctor reports and eye-witness accounts corroborating the truth. Classic bully mentality.

I write this not to defend the fact that my mother is essentially crippled for life and that Mike Rinder isthe cause of her pain—although that is perfectly true—no, my point is that my “father” uses people like Tony Ortega to victim shame my mother and I.

And who is Tony Ortega? He’s a blogger with a long history of this type of behavior. Look into his background and records…the New York Times stated that Ortega was the “attack dog” for who “had become a major player in sex trafficking.” Yes, you did read that right; Ortega used his voice to PROTECT sex traffickers. That’s disgusting.

And now my father, Mike Rinder, has him being his attack dog—to attack his own family.

Nothing more need be said…except…don’t support Mike Rinder and don’t listen to his attack dogs.

This is Taryn with Justice4Mom.

Hi, everyone. We are well into the “16 Days of Action against domestic violence.” Hopefully you have been seeing the various tips on actions each person can take to eliminate this poison in our communities.

Unfortunately, violence against women is all too prevalent in our society with such statistics as 1 in 3 women and girls experiencing physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. This situation is in much need of attention and there is action that can be taken to make a difference.

The elimination of violence against women is a large task. It starts with each person being active, speaking out, taking steps to end the support of anyone who abuses women. Many people around the world take action on this day—including me.

My father, Mike Rinder has walked a path in life paved with too many abuses of women, young and old, both emotional and physical. The culmination of his violence was when he badly harmed my mom.

What was etched in my mind on that day can never be erased. My father physically attacked my mom right in front of me, his daughter. He violently grabbed onto her arms and would not let go. The animosity and strong hate towards her was palpable—making it all the more frightening. His attack left my mom bleeding, with lacerations, a fractured shoulder and, as we found out later, nerve damage. Ever since, each day of my mom’s life has been lived in pain because of what my father, Mike Rinder, did to her.

Even scarier is that was not the first time he had abused a woman. I have heard different accounts from family friends and former colleagues which pained me to hear.

One of these was a long-term family friend whom my mom and I sat down with to compare notes on the abuse we all experienced from Mike.

One woman harmed, is too many in any circumstance.

It is time to stop the support of men who commit violence against women.

The “16 days of Action against domestic violence” runs until Human Rights Day on the 10th of December.

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