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MIKE RINDER ASSAULTED MY MOTHER, PERMANENTLY DISABLING HER: In 2010, my “father” grabbed my mom’s arms, crushing and twisting them so hard that she sustained lacerations, bruises, nerve damage, and a shoulder injury.


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What can you do about domestic violence if you don’t have money, time, resources? There is something that you can do that’s very, very simple and very, very powerful. And that is to offer hope.

A little bit of encouragement or just a little bit of offering of hope can go a very long way. I know in my journey for getting justice for my mom that was one of the most touching things that I experienced when I had to confront and go through the attack of my father, Mike Rinder, on my mother. It was a bloody attack, after which we found out Mike Rinder cracked my mother’s shoulder too and damaged her nerves. As a result, my mom has a permanent disability for the rest of her life.

When I tell my story about my father, Mike Rinder’s domestic abuse and his attack on my mother, one thing that keeps me from despair is that I get so much hope from other people and this gives me fuel and helps me to get through each day. And I realized that when you’re getting hope from people and when you’re getting that support you know that you don’t have to keep living with this dark incident that happened and you know you can do something about it.

I have had such an outpouring of encouragement and have seen there’s so many good people in the world and so many people that will support you and don’t like domestic abuse. And it just shined through when I started speaking out.

Thus, I’m asking you to shine a light of hope to a survivor or a victim of domestic violence. That one little action is gonna do so much to help them get through whatever pain they’re going through whether it be physical pain, injuries, emotional pain. The amount of things that hope can help with a survivor of domestic violence cannot be stated.

I saw it all when my father, Mike Rinder, devastatingly attacked my mother and injured her for life.

So I wish you the best in giving hope to other people and giving hope to survivors and victims of domestic violence.

Thank you.

This is Taryn with justice4mom.

Today I wanted to offer some advice to people that have either seen, witnessed or know of domestic violence.

I know what domestic violence is like. My father, Mike Rinder, attacked my mother in front of me—if you can believe that. He mauled her flesh. And all of this resulted in a broken shoulder and permanently damaged nerves. My mother will never ever recover from that domestic violence attack for the rest of her life.

So, my story is one story but I think it represents so many other stories and that’s why I continue to raise awareness and bring up the social issue and tell the truth about it so that it can be ended—not only for my family, but for anybody else’s family.

There’s some statistics that I wanted to tell you about regarding domestic violence that I consider pretty shocking. One of them is that every minute 20 people in the U.S. are domestically abused. So that’s 1 person every 3 seconds.

Every year there’s approximately 5 million children in the U.S. that are exposed to domestic violence. That is something we need to fix because those children are growing up in an environment of violence and that’s what they’re going to take with them for the rest of their lives.

I started justice4mom after my father, Mike Rinder, attacked my mom and due to his attack, damaged her for life. And he’s lied about it and shamed my mom, who’s the victim, and also shamed me as the eyewitness and refuses to admit that it happened.

Just think of the other domestic violence abusers that are out there doing the same thing. It might be your family. And together, fighting, we can put an end to domestic violence.

So my message today is come join the force that’s effectively going to bring big change to this social issue.

There are groups and organizations across the U.S. in almost every city actually that are there to help prevent domestic violence. They need help and you can give it. Each of us lending a hand is going to make a difference.

So you might be sitting there thinking, “I’m just one person. What’s my voice going to do?” Everything. Because each of us—

doing our part and helping in any way that we can, raising awareness and educating people and preventing domestic violence—matters.

Your voice does matter. Every voice matters. And with domestic violence being such a large social issue, it’s going to take a large public response and each of us doing something to help out. So if you are already helping, thank you very much. If you can help, do whatever it is that you can do. Because each of us contributing is what’s going to make the change. The change once and for all so that domestic violence is ended.

Thank you for your help.


Your voice matters.

Help end domestic violence.

Valentine’s Day is a day that we all celebrate with people that we love to show them that we love them. And to me, that’s a really special day, and I don’t think we should let domestic abuse or domestic violence get in the way of that.

Nobody should have to live through domestic violence, thinking that somebody loves them and then turning around and domestically abusing them.

Until my father domestically abused my mother and viciously attacked her. I never in a million years—and nobody else in my entire family—would have ever, ever thought that domestic violence would affect our family or happen in our family.

I really learned with my experience of my father, Mike Rinder, attacking my mother to not take for granted those that I do still love and do love me.

I learned to not let one person’s hate change my feelings about those that I love.

I really know truly and honestly that there are many very happy relationships and good people that have wonderful loving relationships and that’s what I want for everybody. And that’s my message for Valentine’s Day is for the person that you love, love them like there’s no tomorrow. By spreading an example and a message of love, we can inspire so many people and we can actually overpower the hate that comes with domestic violence and put an end to domestic violence.

So show somebody that you love them and show them every single day of the year. Make every day Valentine’s. Spread love. That’s the best part about Valentine’s you can spread love, not hate.

So have a very, very happy Valentine’s Day!


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