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MIKE RINDER ASSAULTED MY MOTHER, PERMANENTLY DISABLING HER: In 2010, my “father” grabbed my mom’s arms, crushing and twisting them so hard that she sustained lacerations, bruises, nerve damage, and a shoulder injury.


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My next piece of advice for someone who has been through, witnessed or knows of domestic violence or abuse is to join other organizations with like-minded goals.

There are so many groups, non-profits and organizations there to help survivors of domestic violence. They are usually volunteer based, and so every person who can help counts.

It was very clear to me after the vicious attack on my mother by my father, Mike Rinder, that I had to do something to help other victims of domestic violence.

I knew there would be other people who experienced the same. And there were.

The ramifications of the domestic violence in our family was a hard pill to swallow. The destruction in its wake physically was quite something to contend with. My mother had to recover from surgery from the damage that my father, Mike Rinder, inflicted on her. It took months and years. It was draining.

That is why there are groups and like-minded organizations that are lending support to those affected by domestic violence. While I forged ahead on my plans to get justice4mom established, I signed up, donated to and supported and joined other domestic violence support groups.

When I joined others working on the same purpose and goals, to end support of men who inflict domestic abuse, like my father Mike Rinder, and to put an end to domestic abuse, I knew then I was lending a hand to others who deserved support. It felt good. I knew it was good. And there is nothing like being part of a team working together. I highly recommending joining such a group.

It will take a lot of work from each of us to put an end to domestic violence. Start with signing up to support any group you want, that is helping in the fight against domestic violence.

There are so many women out there who commended me for standing up against my father, Mike Rinder, for the horrible actions he did against my mom. These women were members of groups fighting such domestic abuse. Groups are there for you. They were there for me.

Join in and help other women. All of us together will make the difference! Thank you in advance for the support you will give!

This is Taryn with Justice4mom.

I am the daughter of a domestic violence survivor. My father, Mike Rinder, out of the blue, attacked my mom and broke her shoulder in front of my eyes.He caused her nerve damage that will never be able to be healed. She’s had to have years of physical therapy. She’s had an operation. The list goes on.

When my father, Mike Rinder, brutally and viciously attacked my mother and hurt her to the point where she will never ever heal for the rest of her life, that’s when I decided okay, I want to give other people ideas of what they can do if they’re in the similar situation. I think it so important that daughters support their mom in the wake of domestic violence because that’s a very hard time for them. And for my mom it was and so that’s why I think it’s so important to help your mom when you need to and specifically in a situation of a domestic violence attack.

In the case of my mom first, we had to get medical attention right away. And then after that she didn’t even realize how bad it was and I made her show me her arm. And I said, “Mom, show me your arm.” And she showed it to me and she took the bandages off after the, you know, the immediate first aid. And when I looked down—“Oh my God!” And this was five days later. And it was blistered and red and swollen and she was in pain. And she didn’t even realize how, how bad off she was—physically. How much damage had been done by this attack by Mike Rinder. So you have to really insist that they get the correct medical attention. It’s very important. So that’s the very first thing.

The next most important thing is to be there for them and to do anything you can to help them, to comfort them, to love and to help them get through that situation. In the case of my mom and what I did after my father, Mike Rinder, broke her shoulder, damaged her nerves, injured her for life, is I was there for every second of the day. And whether that be helping her make her bed, I’d help her get dressed ‘cause she had to get special clothes made because of the injuries to her arm. She couldn’t move it. I drove her where she needed to go. I took her to her doctors’ appointments. I, you know, cut her food. Whatever it is that they’re going to need.

Lastly, everything you do, do it with a lot of compassion, because I think it was one of the most important things that helped my mom after she was attacked—was the care and comfort.So do for them what you can and do what you can to make them comfortable. Make them feel good. Help them with whatever they’re gonna have to do to get through that pain. Be there and care.

Thank you.And I hope I have helped you helped someone you know experiencing a similar situation.

Taryn Justic4mom

Happy New Year from Justice4mom!

As we enter a new decade let’s pledge to end domestic abuse! In 2019, I was blessed. The man who abused my mother, my father Mike Rinder was fired and A&E cancelled his show.

In this new year we will put an end to the support of all abusive men! Let’s count our blessings for this new decade. Cheers!

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