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MIKE RINDER ASSAULTED MY MOTHER, PERMANENTLY DISABLING HER: In 2010, my “father” grabbed my mom’s arms, crushing and twisting them so hard that she sustained lacerations, bruises, nerve damage, and a shoulder injury.


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Hi everybody. It’s Taryn, I’m with justice4mom. And this is the second video in the series.

I wanted to bring about the awareness of what happens to someone when they are abuse by a man like Mike Rinder.

In the case of my mom, because Mike Rinder—seemed to me that he was trying to kill her—damaged her physically in a severe way, she cannot do normal tasks anymore because of her state.

For example, when she walks, her right arm does not move because it doesn’t have the nerve response, because the nerves were damaged.

She can’t lift anything and if there is something she needs to lift, if it’s very light she can do it with her left arm but otherwise she has to have someone else do that for her.

She can’t shake someone’s hand at all. It’s really painful.

She can’t open packages.

And all of these things are things that most people, if not all people, take for granted—but because of Mike Rinder’s violence—my mom is not able to do the routine.

Nobody should have to go through what she had to go through. And no man, ever, has an excuse to hurt a woman or anybody else for that matter. And no one should be supporting a man that hurts a women, period. No woman should ever have to endure violence/hate/pain. So that is my message—A&E stop supporting men who abuse women. Stop supporting Mike Rinder.

Hi everybody. It’s Taryn with justice4mom. I’m here today with my mom, Cathy. And I’m going to be doing a series of ten videos. And the reason why I want to do ten videos is because I want to highlight ten things that a woman should never have to go through. And the way I made the list of these ten things was the ten things that my mom had to go through after suffering domestic violence at the hands of my father, Mike Rinder.

And the first subject we’re going to take up – for this series of videos – is the subject of violence. So that’s number 1.

I’ve said this before but it does not go away out of my mind, as a daughter, seeing my father in a rage and wanting to murder my own mother. It was so unreal to me until it happened. It was so unbelievable to see the utter hatred that was coming off of him and his violent assault and attack on my own mother in front of my eyes.

Here is a photo of what he did to her.

And as my other tells, in addition to the physical flesh damage, she also had severe nerve damage both in her shoulder and where nerves were actually cut from the injury sustained.

My father, Mike Rinder, pulled her right shoulder blade all the way down and it won’t ever move back. And the bone that fractured stuck into another bone which immobilized my whole arm on top of that. Her collarbone was dislocated. And there was so much blood. I kept my mom’s shirt because it was her favorite shirt and you can see the blood on it, still. There was so much blood on it we couldn’t get it out. We sent it to a professional drycleaner, and you can still see the blood, all the way down the whole sleeve. That is from Mike Rinder. That is from his violence to a woman. To his ex-wife and to my mom. And that’s, that’s where I draw the line.

And the fact that A&E is supporting him or his cohorts is disgusting. They spread hate. People—stop supporting Mike Rinder and any man that hurts a woman. No woman should ever have to endure violence/hate/pain. Stop supporting men who abuse women.

Fathers are one of the most important pillars of our society. Therefore their care and love for their children is also of the utmost importance.

We can all agree with that. Thus I encourage fathers to support, enhance and nurture their children.

Fathers who don't do this and instead mistreat, abuse and hate their children are in turn ruining our future generations.

As I lived through an abusive life as a child at the hands of my father, I have worked steadily to raise awareness of domestic violence.

I don't want anyone else to have to experience their mother getting abused to the point of breaking bones, like I did. No child diagnosed with cancer and given 5 years to live should have their father come and harass them with a camera crew for publicity, like my brother did.

It is the decision of the individual to be an awful father. There is always a choice to love and support your children. Mike Rinder just made the choice to hate his children. He is a perpetrator of abuse and hate and always has been. I stand strong in my fight against domestic violence.

Make your home abuse free!

I give a very Happy Father's Day to all of those fathers loving and helping their children!

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