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MIKE RINDER ASSAULTED MY MOTHER, PERMANENTLY DISABLING HER: In 2010, my “father” grabbed my mom’s arms, crushing and twisting them so hard that she sustained lacerations, bruises, nerve damage, and a shoulder injury.


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I sent this email to A&E Network CEO Paul Buccieri. I never heard back. I think this is too important to be buried and unanswered. It deserves to see the light of day. Therefore, I decided to share this because it is not OK for Buccieri and A&E to continue to support the man who damaged my mother for life.

Dear Mr. Buccieri,

I am writing this hoping that you will hear me out. I believe you will be glad that you listened.

My father, Mike Rinder, a man who you employ and support by putting on the air on a family TV network, brutally assaulted my mother in front of my eyes in 2010. He cracked her shoulder, tore her skin and mauled her arms.

If you or any other man in a network job, or the host of any network program, brutally assaulted a woman during an altercation – let alone an assault witnessed by one of their children – they would justifiably be fired because it would be the right thing to do.

I have personally witnessed the pain my mother endured for years. I have comforted her through surgery, physical therapy and the realization that she will never fully recover the use of her right arm. I watched as Mike Rinder committed this horrible act on my mother, yet you pay him to produce a TV show. You can’t deny the fact she suffered injuries during the encounter, but instead of showing zero tolerance for such behavior, you support him and arrange for him to be paid large sums of money to go on TV.

I now have over 240,000 people who support my efforts to get justice for my mother.

Take a look at my campaign: My Instagram page is @tarynteutsch2. My Twitter account is @TarynTeutsch. You will see that I have a lot of contacts. I have been speaking to many women. I have made myself known across Los Angeles and networked beyond to reach out to women’s groups, domestic violence victim groups, and many other community workshops.

There is no excuse for violence against a woman. Mike Rinder assaulted my mother. He can make all the excuses he wants, try to minimize the damage he inflicted on her and spin the story whatever way he dreams up. But violence is violence, and it is never justified when inflicted by a man against the mother of his children.

I will never stop speaking out until I achieve justice for my mother and my father is called to task for what he did to her. Mike Rinder deserves no support from A & E and no televised platform to continue to pretend he is something that he is not. He abused my mother. That is who he is, and I will continue to make sure the world knows it.

Taryn Rinder Teutsch

Why is my father so afraid of his own daughter that he and his clique viciously attack me?

As those who have been following me know, in March I decided I could no longer stand by as women were coming out about abuse in the TV industry.

I was inspired by their courage. At the same time, I was outraged that A&E and its parent company Disney continued to financially support my father, Mike Rinder, and allowed him to be on the air when I personally witnessed my father violently abuse my mother and damage her for life. I could not and still cannot take the hypocrisy.

That’s when I decided to launch Justice4Mom. The goal is simple. It’s about achieving not only justice for my mother, but bringing our issue to the attention of women who are committed to ending domestic violence and working with them in their larger efforts to make sure men are held accountable for their actions.

Now, my father, Mike Rinder, and his flunkies are attacking me for speaking out in the most vicious ways imaginable! He doesn’t have the guts to stand up for himself, so he must hide behind others. That’s always who he has been. Naturally, the attack dogs my father uses on his own daughter are men.

No matter how he avoids it, denies it, tries to deflect it—typical of abusers—the truth is in the constant pain my mother suffers because of his vicious attack. It’s a fact she suffered injuries, and that there should be zero tolerance for abuse of any kind by anyone working for The Walt Disney Co. or A&E.

I thank the many women at every event I attend who are proud of me for refusing to back down until justice is done and my many thousands of supporters who stand by me.

I will not stop until I get through to Disney and A&E to #FireMikeRinder and gain #Justice4Mom.

I received a private message on my Facebook that was so special, I decided to share it on my blog. The message was from a woman who had suffered domestic violence from the father of her six children—her former partner of 29 years.

He carried on a campaign to make her look like the abuser. He turned the whole incident against her. He is a man in denial or worse, just like my father Mike Rinder. And his spreading of lies and blaming her has created stress in her life.

People they both knew contacted her and blame her based on his lies. She was devastated, embarrassed and ashamed. Her six children have also been traumatized by this abusive relationship, just as my brother and I were. But they too know the truth, and they stick by their mom and have no wish to speak to their father. What moved me the most about this message was that after following my campaign, this brave woman has decided to stand up for herself and fight back. I stand with her proud and am happy to set an example for other abused women that we have to be strong. We have to stand together against men like her partner and like my father Mike Rinder. If you have a story to share never be afraid to do so. Your story will make us all stronger and inspire others. I will not give up until I get Justice4Mom and get @AETV and @Disney to decide to do the right thing and #FireMikeRinder. Men who abuse should not be rewarded.

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