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MIKE RINDER ASSAULTED MY MOTHER, PERMANENTLY DISABLING HER: In 2010, my “father” grabbed my mom’s arms, crushing and twisting them so hard that she sustained lacerations, bruises, nerve damage, and a shoulder injury.


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May you and yours enjoy the splendors that make the Season bright: kindness, joy, and having a loving & supportive family.

So whether you are “Dashing through the snow”, “Decking the halls with boughs of holly” or “Roasting chestnuts on an open fire...” “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” so take advantage of “Faithful friends who are dear to us to gather near to us once more” and make sure they know “Tis the Season to be Jolly” by showing them you care!

And have fun!

Best wishes for the Season!

Offering herself as a paid mistress, financing haters, and being prolific in perpetrating perversions on social media—this is Karen de la Carriere, one of Mike Rinder’s attack dogs.

We are all aware of the growing minority of people who use social media to spread disinformation and amplify hate against others. Mike Rinder’s use of Karen de la Carriere is a microcosm of just that.

However, there is a really paradoxical element to Mike’s relationship with Karen. During the time he worked with her, it was well known in my family that he despised Karen. He did not hold back on his mockery, and there were no kind words uttered about Karen de la Carriere. Yet here he is, sidling up to her.

It makes no sense. Unless you realize the pretend friendship is a means to an end: getting money from her to support his hate and help in his attacks on his own family.

While Karen de la Carriere thinks she “owns him,” it’s time to really think about the situation she is in…who benefits…and I think you’ll find the answer to that is Mike Rinder, not Karen.

— Taryn


One way that my father Mike Rinder gets things “taken care of” is to manipulate vulnerable and mentally unstable individuals to do his dirty work, such as the time he all but bribed an elderly lady with dementia to help him violate my grandmother’s living quarters—after he had been denied access by the management! Knowing her own son did this greatly upset my grandmother.

Now onto Stefani Ann Hutchison: she is a 50-plus-year-old woman who lives in North Carolina. And, per her own statements, her family has a history of mental health issues.

From everything I’ve seen on social media, it is definitely clear Stefani has an unhealthy infatuation with my father Mike Rinder. He has her wrapped around his finger in his campaign of hate against his own family.

Mike uses Stefani to front for him—almost literally—as she is behind almost all attacks against me and the truth I tell about my father. The useless and denigrating comments she makes about what clothes I wear or how much I am paid are, while sad, nevertheless malicious and evil when they turn into victim shaming. Stefani is now guilty of repeated hate against my mother, the woman damaged for life by Mike Rinder.

So yes, what Stefani does is unconscionable. But the blame goes to Mike Rinder. How could he continue to use this type of person for his own hate? This has got to end.

Everyone knows, it is the all-too-typical story, that when someone is infatuated with another, they are more easily malleable—and that is the story of Mike Rinder and Stefani Ann Hutchison.

Don’t let men who harm women manipulate vulnerable, troubled individuals into spreading hate for them.

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